Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lover . . .

True love endures the worst kinds of pain . . . even betrayal. Appropriately symboled, everyone alive understands an arrow through their heart. No matter how "cutsie" our society tries to make love look, the reality is, it's not for the fainthearted. It cannot justly be measured by infatuation but by passion–synonymous with pain. It requires great courage and endurance. It gives without  regard to return on investment. But when unrequited, it can turn lives to stone. It requires everything and yet is shown in simple acts. And when shown in monumental ways, it's as if it cost nothing. Nothing else has been labeled "strong as death" by the Great Book and it is fertilizer out of which the Deep Magic grows. It is the author of life, and yet has been known to kill its owner. Nothing has been more eagerly and zealously sought by those who do not own it. Because true love . . . . . . . . . .true love never dies.

God is Love. 

Thursday, February 4, 2010

God Alone

There is no one like God. There is no one who completely understands Him. He is completely misunderstood by most. If and when we realize that fact, we will begin to understand why He made us and why He would love us so much . . . so much that he would kill Himself to keep us.  There is nothing more meaningful to God than relationship. . . being together. God being alone is what set history in motion, gave Him perspective when He said "It is not good for man to be alone," and caused Him to cry out on the cross "My God! My God! Why have you left me alone, rejected!"

I often feel this way myself. . . alone and rejected. No one will ever understand me. Most will misunderstand. There is no one like me. . . But there is One who does understand. He understands loneliness deeper than I ever will.

Empathy is a great healer.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day Whatever (Losing Count): True Love

I'm a Christian. A really messy one. I didn't earn it. In fact, before my feet hit the floor in the morning, I deserve one thing and that's to fall straight into Hell. There is no penance available to pay for the crimes I've committed. God had to pay for them Himself. He had to leave perfection and glory and immerse Himself into the cesspool of my existence and die. God loves me. . . and I'm messy business. Nobody I know of ever loved me enough to do that.  His blood has covered me and marks me. Thing is, I'm still messy business. Like Paul the apostle said, "My mistakes are always in front of me." Yep. Thank God His grace is enough. . . because I'm a bloody mess.

It's February and my theme for this month will be my perspective on what this "True Love" really is.