I'm in the habit of getting up early in the morning to stretch and go through various routines in an attempt to battle age. You can't start too soon. It amazes me that each morning, everything is new. Despite the raging weathering of the previous day's activities on all things organic and non, everything is brand new the following morning. . . every time. My life has been about raging. It's been about weathering. It's been about incredibly life altering relationships that promise to be far more than they ultimately are. It's heart-rendingly disappointing and, quite frankly, aging. It all changed last Monday, June 21st. This little creature came into my life and now everything is very new. I have a completely new thought system and execution to things. I had no idea what was about to happen to me. What was once gray is now white. Where there was fear, there is now courage.
By design, two months have passed since my last post. A significant thing has happened. I am no longer looking back. I am only looking forward. Where once only death stood, now there is only life.
Everything is new.